Sponsor the Horsemen
St. Michael’s active athletic programs draw a varied range of spectators from a number of
surrounding cities—Los Alamos, Espanola, Albuquerque, Pecos, Pojoaque, Las Vegas, and
others—providing a great opportunity to increase the level of visibility of your company or
organization. Our sponsorship packages have great benefits ranging from a visible link straight
to your company’s website to a featured story about your business in our social media pages.
You will find that becoming a part of the St. Michael’s family will yield strong connections to
the community.
surrounding cities—Los Alamos, Espanola, Albuquerque, Pecos, Pojoaque, Las Vegas, and
others—providing a great opportunity to increase the level of visibility of your company or
organization. Our sponsorship packages have great benefits ranging from a visible link straight
to your company’s website to a featured story about your business in our social media pages.
You will find that becoming a part of the St. Michael’s family will yield strong connections to
the community.
Your involvement matters in the future of our community and St. Michael’s Athletics, and I’d
love to talk with you about how we might work together. Please consider becoming a sponsor
and supporting St. Mike’s.
See the link below for a detailed list of sponsorship benefits.