St. Michael's High School Home

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St. Michael's High School

We draw our inspiration from the Christian Brothers, whose reputation for excellence in education extends back to 1680. However, we are as relevant as we are historic, preparing curious youth to become extraordinary adults. 

Our Mission

St. Michael’s High School, with a college preparatory curriculum, has as its mission to educate each student in the spirit of faith and academic excellence according to Roman Catholic principles of the Christian Brothers.

A Lasallian Education

"To touch the hearts of students and inspire them is the greatest miracle one could perform...for this is the purpose of our work." - De La Salle
Enter to Learn,
Leave to Serve

News & Announcements

2025/2026 Placement Testing and Interview RSVP

Placement Testing and Interview Schedule:
8:00 a.m. - Doors open 
8:30 a.m. - Welcome
9:15 a.m. - English Placement Test (Students entering grade 7 only)
9:15 a.m. – Personal Interviews (Students entering grades 8-12 only)
10:00 a.m. - Break
10:15 a.m. - Math Placement Test (Students entering grade 7 only)
11:00 a.m. - Personal Interviews (Students entering grade 7)

At A Glance

  • 100% College acceptance rate
  • 26% Receive financial aid
  • 15 Athletic Programs
  • $2,387 Average financial aid Award
  • 14 Extracurricular Offerings