Horsemen Highlights for week of April 24-28
The experience of Kairos retreat has been transformative for many of our Juniors and Seniors. Exploring their relationships with themselves, others, and God within the context of community, discussion, and prayer has deepened many of them in their understanding of a faith life lived out in real time, their time, God’s time. Thank you to Ms. Larson and her staff of faculty, parents, and students who have led the Kairos retreats this past year, ending with the very successful one last week.
Block M: Block M applications are currently under review. An announcement of our Block M recipients will take place on April 24-25th. The Block M Ceremony and Breakfast is scheduled for Sunday, May 7th at 10:00 a.m. RSVPs and ticket sales will take place April 26-May 2nd. Please continue to check Horsemen Highlights for information as it becomes available.
PSAT- The online PSAT testing this past week for grade 8 and 9 had some glitches, but proceeded well. Thank you to Ms. Angel for organizing the sessions and to the teachers and parent who helped proctor the tests.
2023-2024 Calendar- The calendar for next year can be found on our website at:
Simplified from last year, the color coding of the days clearly delineate school days and holidays. As was done this past semester, the website calendar for next year will begin filling up with daily schedules and information.
Registration information:
Registration- Registration for the 23/24 school year is now open. Early Bird Enrollment Contracts have been applied to all parent/guardian OnBoard accounts. Complete your contract by 4/30/23 to receive the $50.00 registration discount. Provided in the link below are registration instructions. 184121-87c30d0f-4259-49cd-b06c-2c637bde2de8.pdf (
Not Returning?- If your student will not be returning to St. Michael's High School for the 23/24 school year, please fill out the "Student Not Returning Form" which can be found in your parent/guardian OnBoard account.
Financial Aid- The Financial Aid deadline for all families is April 30, 2023. The link provided contains instructions on how to complete the Financial Aid application. 223047-5d2f47c9-f80d-4df8-b733-2a2bd7f71934.pdf ( SMHS urges families not to make assumptions about whether they are eligible. Many factors guide the Financial Aid decisions, and we strongly encourage you to have a confidential conversation with our Admission Director, Ms. Chavez to discuss your options.
Student Discipline and Wellness:
Health Concern- We have been receiving reports regarding vaping on our campus. Not only are we a smoke, vape, drug free campus, we have received information that some vape cartridges in the Santa Fe area are being sold have been compromised leading to more serious complications. Please talk with your students about making healthy, good choices. Bad choices do lead to Saturday detention. We are in the process of educating the grade levels from whom we know there is vaping activity. When specific student use is verified, we do contact parents.
Saturday Detention- Saturday detention will be held Saturday, April 22nd from 8-12 noon under the supervision of Coach Garcia. Students who will be serving a Saturday detention tomorrow, have already been notified and their parents, too, via phone call on the day of the referral and a reminder by email. Saturday detention students assist our custodial and maintenance staff with different projects around campus. Students must be on time and in standard dress.
Dress Code- Parents, please continue to talk to your students about dress code. We continue to see violations and detentions (lunch or Saturday) may be warranted.
Cell Phones- Please help your student’s education by refraining from sending him/her texts during class times. When a teacher’s attention, and consequently the entire class’s, suddenly turns to a student who feels they need to respond to a parental text, everyone is distracted, and the student is put on the spot. Consult the school schedule and send essential texts during lunchtime.
Chromebook Return Preparation- We are beginning to prepare for Chromebook and charger returns in May around the time of final exams. Ms. Leyba is working with our technology coordinator, Mr. Leonard Arias, to email parents regarding charges to student accounts for broken screens, lost chargers, and missing Chromebook. You should be receiving these emails beginning next week. More information will be coming regarding the Chromebook return policies for seniors and 7-11th grade and what to expect in the coming weeks.
Athletic Highlights:
Spring Sports- Next week will be the final week of the regular season for high school and junior high athletics. The high school teams will compete for state championships starting the first week of May. The district championships for Track & Field will be on April 29th at Robertson High School (Las Vegas, NM). St. Michael's will host the 2023 District Golf Championships on Thursday, April 27th at the Santa Fe Country Club.
Coaching at St. Michael's- St. Michael's has openings for a head women's soccer coach and head cheer coach. Please email Joshua Grine ([email protected]) if you have any questions.
Looking Ahead- St. Michael's is currently in the process of partnering with RankOne sports. The website will allow for parents and student-athletes to submit physicals, doctors notes, and receive communication from coaches. The release will be this summer (2023).
Physicals- In order to participate for the 2023/2024 season make sure that you have a new physical dated after April 1st, 2023. You can find a copy here.
Admissions: Spread the good word about St. Mike’s and direct interested families to the school’s admissions tab on the website or to Ms. Chavez at [email protected]. We are still accepting applications!
Summer “Camp Horseman”: St. Michael's High School offers the best and most affordable summer camps for kids entering grades 1 - 9. Registration for Camp Horsemen 2023 is now live at Horsemen Camp 2023 - Camp Horsemen - St. Michael's High School (
Retakes- Dave's Photography will be on campus Thursday April 27 taking pictures at 9:00 am in the library.
Six seniors will get their composite head shots done, and after they are finished, those students who DID NOT TAKE AN ID PICTURE LAST FALL WILL HAVE A PICTURE TAKEN. Students must be in regular dress code attire.
Ready for ordering: We now have a portal for yearbook purchases. The cost of a yearbook will be $75. If you wish to embellish the yearbook for your student you have until April 30th for a name stamp or an itag (metal) at $8.25 a piece. There is a $2.25 handling fee for each book purchase. Here’s the link for ordering:
Yearbook still needs your help: We welcome parents, grandparents, friends, and family to share their photos of student events this past year with the Yearbook. Leslie Helgeson ([email protected]) or Kathy Tapia ([email protected]).
2023-2024 Student Parent Handbook Updates: As we look toward next year we are working on a number of improvements in our handbook policies, so each week of Horsemen Highlights will highlight one of them. One policy renovation will be an effort to support better our students keep the academic bar from dropping too low, namely, having students go on and off ineligibility at both the semester and the mid-semester.